388 results match your search criteria
Premium listings
रु 100,000,000
Commercial Building for sale at Baneshwor , Kathmandu
1 month ago
Land area :- 7 Anna Road :- 36 ft Main Highway Ground floor : Sutter 7 Rent 2 lakh per month
Located: Kathmandu, NP
Condition: Used
रु 26,000,000
Sasto ghar at Kalimati
Used Sell
1 month ago
KaliMati chok bata 2 minute walk house on sale 2cord 60 lak 3/1 pepar ma filma 5 aana 23 ota room
Located: Kathmandu, NP
Condition: Used
Transaction: Sell
रु 43,000,000
Commercial building for sale at sankhamul
Used Sell
1 month ago
Land size : 0-4-0-2 Total Rooms : 20 Total Bathrooms : 10 6 shutters Currently : 250000/- Rent Asking Price : 4 crore 30 lakh
Located: Kathmandu, NP
Condition: Used
Transaction: Sell
रु 20,000
Imadol bojepokhari najikai flat vada maa
New Rent
1 month ago
Imadol bojepokhari najikai flat vada maa
Located: Lalitpur, NP
Condition: New
Transaction: Rent
रु 13,000
Gathaghar Chowk near 1bhk flat on rent
Used Rent
1 month ago
1 Bed room 1 hall 1 किचेन washroom attached Ground floor RENT 13000/- water 24/7 बाइक पार्किङ सुबिधा सार्वजनिक सवारी लिन एकदमै सहज थप जानकारीको लागि सिधै हामिलाइ सम्पर्क गर्नुहोला
Located: Lalitpur, NP
Condition: Used
Transaction: Rent
रु 22,000
Kausaltar chowk near 2bhk flat on rent
Used Rent
1 month ago
2 Bed room 1 hall 1 किचेन washroom attached First floor RENT 22000/- water 24/7 बाइक पार्किङ सुबिधा सार्वजनिक सवारी लिन एकदमै सहज थप जानकारीको लागि सिधै हामिलाइ सम्पर्क गर्नुहोला
Located: Lalitpur, NP
Condition: Used
Transaction: Rent
रु 27,000
Fully furnished rooms for rent at Pakanjol
Kathmandu For Rent: Flat & Rooms
4 years ago
Fully furnished 1 bedroom and one kitchen with attached bathroom in both available now for rent with facilities (free Wi-Fi and water, waste management and only bike/scooter parking). It's located in Pakanjol, Thamel, near the Tibet peace guesthouse, 20 meters inside from the main road in the small street. Rent: 23000/...
Located: Kathmandu, Bagmati Pradesh
रु 5,700,000
land for sale Jwagal U.N park
Bagmati Pradesh Lands & Plots
4 years ago
Lalitupr JWAGAL U.N park VIP AREA 3 ANA LAND FOR ARJENT SELL PLEASE CALL ME serious buyer ONLY 9841399129
Located: Bagmati Pradesh
रु 18,100,000
House sale at Tikathali
Lalitpur For Sale: Houses & Apartments
4 years ago
टिकाथली ललितपुर बुध पार्टिप्यालेस नजिकै रहेको 2:3:1 मा बनेको सुन्दर तथा आकर्षक 2:5 तल्लाको घर ढल बिजुली खानेपानी ले सुबिधा सम्पन्न युरोपिएन प्रबिधी बाट निर्मित सुन्दर र सान्त बाताबरण मा रहेको ।। ((घर भनेको एउटा सपना हो सुन्दर आकर्षक डिजाइन हाम्रो ग्यारेन्टी)) नोट :: घर फुल फिनिसिङ्ग गरेर दिईने छ bedroom..5 bathroom...4...
Located: Lalitpur, Bagmati Pradesh
रु 20,000,000
House for sale at Tarkeswor
Kathmandu For Sale: Houses & Apartments
4 years ago
गोगंबु बाट ५.५ कि मी तारकेश्वर नगरपालिका धर्मस्थलि मा ७ आना जग्गा मा बनेको घर तुरुन्त बिक्री मा छ । -4bedroom -2 kitchen -1 living -3 bathroom- 1 attach गार्डन र करेसा बारी भएको खुल्ला र हाईटमा रहेको ३ कार र १०-१५ मोटरसाईकल अट्ने १३ फिटे बाटो
Located: Kathmandu, Bagmati Pradesh
रु 16,000,000
House on sale at Nakhipot
Bagmati Pradesh For Sale: Houses & Apartments
4 years ago
नरवीपोट मा भर्खरै निर्माण संपन्न २.५ तले नया घर बिक्रिमा छ । घर निर्माण अंतिम चरणमा छ । घर Full finishing गरेर हस्तानतरण गरिनेछ । मूल्य 1 करोड़ ६०लाख - जम्मा जग्गाको क्षेत्रफल 3 आना - जम्मा ८ ओटा कोठाहरु - १ गाडी ५ मोटर साकल पार्किंग भएको - 1६फीटको बाटो पसिम मोहडा/ north 13 ft Pls call for more details 9845500407
Located: Bagmati Pradesh
रु 27,000,000
Lagankhel Mainroad ko land for sale
Bagmati Pradesh Lands & Plots
4 years ago
सातदोबाटो ललितपुर लगनखेल मेनरोडको जग्गा बिक्रीमा छ 00-02-00-00 जम्मा दुई आना /- आनाको एककरोड पैतिसलाख मात्र (13500000/- दुई आनाको २७००००००/- दुइकरोड सत्तरी लाख मात्र /- कृपया मध्यस्थकर्ताले दुख नगर्नुहोला । सिधा सम्पर्क 9851090167/ 9823643784
Located: Bagmati Pradesh
रु 650,000
Land for sale at Pharping
Kathmandu Lands & Plots
4 years ago
Pharping Sikharapur School area 21anna land [email protected]/Anna. NO BROKER PLEASE.Direct contact 9841210383
Located: Kathmandu, Bagmati Pradesh
रु 26,500,000
New House on sale(flight type)
Kathmandu For Sale: Houses & Apartments
4 years ago
Location:-Budhanilkantha nagarpalika ko Hepali cheyasingtol kathmandu Land area:-0-4-2-0 Rooms:-11 attchd 2 Road:-13 fit Face:-East Price:-26500000/negotiation only for seriously buyer For more information contect us:- R.G venture and trader 9863513844/9819324179
Located: Kathmandu, Bagmati Pradesh
रु 800,000
Land for sale near Sankhu
Kathmandu Lands & Plots
4 years ago
बौध-जोरपाटिहुदौ साँखुजाने 4 लेनकोहाईवे सलम्बुटारबाट 1 किमि माथि हाईटमा पुरै साँखुबजारदेखिने पाहारिलोठाँउको 20 फिटबाटोको प्लानिङमा 0-4-3-0 जग्गाबाँकि छ अरुसबै पासभैसक्यो बाटो धमाधम पिचहुदै छ बाटोपिचभैसक्दा अर्कै रेटपर्ने यो जग्गा मलाई अति समस्यापरेकोले तत्काल बैनागर्नेलाई प्रतिअाना 8 लाखमात्र 9851179174/9851189174
Located: Kathmandu, Bagmati Pradesh
रु 1,700,000
Land for sale at Tarkeswor
Kathmandu Lands & Plots
4 years ago
माछापोखरी रिङ्गरोड बाट 4 किलोमिटर तार्केस्वोर नगरपालिका नेउपाने थोकमा 17 लाख आनामा 13 फिट 10 फिट बाटो भएको 3 आना 3.5 आना 4 आनाको आक्रसड चार कुना मिल्येको घडेरि बिकृमा सम्पर्क 9860197516
Located: Kathmandu, Bagmati Pradesh
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